I have had my Github Action time out a couple time...
# dagster-plus
I have had my Github Action time out a couple times today while it was downloading colorama as a dependency. It has happened on 2 locations that have previously been running on Dagster cloud. Is there I change that I am missing?
Hmm strange. Do you know what step is taking the bulk of that 25 minutes? Was it mostly sitting on
Downloading colorama
Yes, it keeps looking at multiple versions of different dependencies. It seems to get stuck working through the colorama package.
Could you have added a dependency that has a conflicting pin?
Not since the last successful deployment.
Current dependencies if you see anything I'm not
hmm and this is happening on every deployment?
For anyone that may have the same issue, it looks like there was a new version of dbt-core since the last time I pushed. I went with dbt-core==1.4.6 and that fixed the issue for the moment.