I'm seeing an issue caused by the release of urlli...
# ask-community
I'm seeing an issue caused by the release of urllib3 v2.0.0. It's causing one of dagster's downstream dependencies to fail in a fresh install. The error is
ImportError: cannot import name 'appengine' from 'requests.packages.urllib3.contrib' (/Users/trabianmatt/sample_dagster_project/env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/urllib3/contrib/__init__.py)
, and I was able to fix it locally by pegging to urllib3<2.0.0. I tried to submit an issue in the Dagster repo but GitHub issues is broken and I wanted to share in case others ran across the same issue.
dagsir 1
thanks for broadcasting this - we are working to include a pin for a release today but the github outage is slowing our progress so far.
👍 2