Hi Nick - are you adding a secret that includes the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env var? From the error message it looks like that's what ECS is unhappy with
Yes, upon further inspection, I had that variable as a duplicate, both in the task definition and AWS with the dagster tag. I am able to launch my tasks with the launcher now, but I need to execute a command with the task that is launched, like how you can configure a command on the task definition itself. Do you know where this can be configured?
We don’t currently support customizing the command that’s launched - the expectation is that you’re using it to launch a particular dagster run, so we set the command to do that. You could call out to the ECs api inside one of your ops to run a second ecs task though.
Unless you mean there’s another command you want to run before the job starts?
Yes, there would be another command I want to run before the job starts. Is that possible?
Specifically I
Specifically I'd want to execute a shell script on the new task before my job is executed.
Here's a discussion that goes into this https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/12687
so you could set an ENTRYPOINT like the one in that example in your Dockerfile
The entrypoint is working as expecting in that it is allowing me to run my script, but now I'm seeing a strange behavior where the task exists with code 0 after the script is done executing, leaving the dagster run hanging open. The code for my pipeline never ends up executing. Any suggestions?
Can you share the ENTRYPOINT that you ended up using - was it the one from the linked discussion?
Yes. I used the same ENTRYPOINT command referenced in your linked discussion but executing my own .sh script. I noticed that there is another command in your example
Copy code
exec "$@"
Is this required in the dockerfile to allow the run to execute?
Yeah, that's required - that's what keeps it running the CMD that dagster supplies
Gotcha. I have one last wrinkle that I can hopefully get some help with. I want to pass the "dagster api grpc" command via the command option in my ecs task definition. But now after adding that "$@" to the entrypoint .sh file, the command will not properly execute when the task stands up: ./code_repository.sh: line 37: exec: dagster api grpc --package-name rdbms_code_repository.repositories -h -p 4322: not found
Is it possible to share the task definition json?
Both of a run that’s working and of a server that isn’t? Maybe there’s a clue in the difference between the two? both should work fine