Hello everyone, just started my journey with dagst...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hello everyone, just started my journey with dagster. I just developed a simple project with multiple assets and it's working pretty good on my machine with dagster dev. the whole project is versioned in a git repo. Now I wanted to move on and let dagster do the processing without running on my local machine. So I installed dagster oss on my k8s infrastructure (with the helm chart). This worked good and I have it up and running with the sample code from the helm installation. But now I'm hitting a roadmap block in understanding how dagster is supposed to run my project. At first I expected there to be a way to add my git repo to the dagster on k8s. but actually I couldn't find a way. So my question is: what is the intended way to have continuous integration of my dagster project in git to the dagster k8s instance?
The two pieces in the dagster k8s deployment can be deployed as separate helm charts: dagster itself (daemon and dagit) and your dagster user code. I'd recommend setting up your deployment with separate helm charts. Then, you can have your CI/CD configuration build your dagster user code images and deploy them (individually if you end up with multiple code locations)
thank you for the response! so if I understand you correct the deployment process involves creating custom container images for each repository/code location and rebuild it on code change. how is the discovery process for dagster/dagit? is it discovered by k8s labels? or do we need to specify somewhere a connection between those two? also the dagster-user-deployments chart has no helm variables. how does this chart actually work to specify my images? is there a guide somewhere? also couldn't find specifics around building the container image with the code. what are the requirements for a compatible image? any guides?
service discovery isn't currently supported - dagit needs to be configured with k8s service names for user code deployments. dagster-user-deployments has variables (including ability to specify images): https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/helm/dagster/charts/dagster-user-deployments/values.yaml here's where you set a flag that you're using separate charts, and point dagster at the user code deployment locations: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/helm/dagster/values.yaml#L275-L285
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