We had a dagster deployment working well on ECS, w...
# deployment-ecs
We had a dagster deployment working well on ECS, with a container for dagit and one for the daemon. Then, we upgraded the dagster version and can't get the service to stay healthy in ECS no matter what. Were there any recent breaking changes related to ECS? Are there canonical examples of the best options to use for health check commands? The weird thing is that dagit runs fine, briefly, and then for some reason ECS kills it. Would love an example of people's health check cmds - I'm just changing it to
dagster -v
while debugging to figure out what's up
Hi Robert - what command are you using for your health check that's failing?
Well I realized that I was looking at the wrong health check - this is the health check for the ECS target group actually, (so it makes a request to
on the dagit container as set up by ECS) not the container specific one
This might be me messing up ECS
rather than a dagster specific issue
though it's odd that it started happening with a version upgrade
that is odd, yeah