is there a way to partition partitions? I read abo...
# ask-community
is there a way to partition partitions? I read about the multipartitions, but they're not subdivisions, they are a cross product of two independent methods of tagging the data (like date and some other label)
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plus1 - I donā€™t think there is a native way, Iā€™d also like to see this. In the meantime I use static/dynamic partitions where the partition key is like
split by a sensible delimiter
yep, was thinking of doing the same
the problem is that I might end up breaking dagit's UI with the amount of subdivisions we want to track šŸ˜¬
blob sad 1
for instance, we might have hundreds of datasets in a project and each of those might have thousands of entities we want to track individually. It quickly adds up
Hi Fabio, To be clear, is the primary difference between what youā€™re asking for and multipartitions that you want the freedom to have a different second axis for each element in the first axis?
yes, that's exactly it @sean if we went for the cross product, we would have many combinations that aren't valid. So we would like the second axis to depend on the first axis
but most important of all is the way we visually track these partitions. It is a hard one to design
OK. Yeah I definitely see the appeal here, but I strongly suspect weā€™re not going to implement this in a first-class way anytime soon, simply because thereā€™s al ready a ton of work going in other areas of partitions. I have to recommend that for now you follow @Guy McCombeā€™s advice and ā€œsimulateā€ this using a delimiter in the partition key.
That said, I recommend opening a feature request on GH to inject the idea into the conversation
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When you do, @Fabio Picchi, link it here and Iā€™ll throw my šŸ‘ on it šŸ˜