Hello, new here so let me know if I am not posting...
# ask-community
Hello, new here so let me know if I am not posting this in the right location. I am running into a Terraform apply issue with the below error. Does anyone know what the cause of this is?
Copy code
helm_release.this: Still modifying... [id=dagster, 4m20s elapsed]
helm_release.this: Still modifying... [id=dagster, 4m30s elapsed]
helm_release.this: Still modifying... [id=dagster, 4m40s elapsed]
helm_release.this: Still modifying... [id=dagster, 4m50s elapsed]
helm_release.this: Still modifying... [id=dagster, 5m0s elapsed]

Error: timed out waiting for the condition

  with helm_release.this,
  on <http://helm.tf|helm.tf> line 59, in resource "helm_release" "this":
  59: resource "helm_release" "this" {

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
🤖 1
We don’t maintain a terraform provider for dagster but it looks like maybe you’re using the hashicorp maintained helm release provider? if so, it looks like you’re hitting a timeout while the helm chart applies and you can override it here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/helm/latest/docs/resources/release#timeout
Thanks a ton!