Hi - I’m trying to set up software-defined assets ...
# ask-community
Hi - I’m trying to set up software-defined assets for my hightouch syncs and running into an issue that’s probably simple. I have the following set-up:
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hightouch_instance = ht_resource.configured(
    {"api_key": os.getenv("HIGHTOUCH_API_KEY")}

run_ht_deal_sync_op = hightouch_sync_op.configured(
    {"sync_id": HT_DEAL_DATA}, name="platform_deal_sync"

@asset(io_manager_key="io_manager", required_resource_keys={"hightouch"})
def hightouch_deal_sync():
But I am getting the following error when running the asset through dagster locally: “Compute function of op ‘platform_deal_sync’ has context argument, but no context was provided when invoking.” If I’m understanding correctly, the hightouch sync op needs the configuration argument to execute, but I thought that the ht_resource.configured() call should set that up already.
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Ah - I was able to get this working by creating a context using build_op_context(). However, I am now running into a new issue where the resources I set up in the main file’s Definitions aren’t included when I materialize this asset.
Hmm, according to the docs, manually building an op context seems to be mostly used for testing, so there’s probably a better way to pipe the resources I defined into the op execution.
I think you are missing some fundamental Dagster concepts. You should review the docs again, especially the core concepts.
Can you elaborate more? A lot of my issue here is that the hightouch docs have nothing for asset configuration so I’m guessing with most of the setup for hightouch specifically. I haven’t had an issue with airbyte integration at all.
I mean the code you provided was not really complete. You want to use the required resource but no where is the resource configured for the asset.
Oh - sorry that wasn’t clear, the resource definitions are in another file here:
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defs = Definitions(
        "io_manager": FilesystemIOManager(),
        "hightouch": hightouch_instance,
        "airbyte": airbyte_instance,
To be a bit more helpful here the main thing you're missing is that you're trying to call an op from within another op/asset. Ops / assets cannot be called from one another, so if you have a function you want to share between ops / assets you need to encapsulate it as a vanilla python function. Dependencies between ops are defined in graphs, whereas assets infer their dependencies to create the execution graph based on the asset functions inputs or explicit asset key references.
it's likely in your example you'll just want to take the logic from you
and put it directly in the
scratch that, this is coming from an integration
Ahh, ok that makes sense, thanks. In this case, the hightouch-dagster library only exposes an op, in the source code it just has the
method as an op.
(this does explain the error I was getting though)
so if you want to make it into an asset you could use the graph_asset decorator to call your op from a graph and create a graph-backed asset
Awesome, that should work, I’ll try that. I’m a bit confused about the docs here still - it explicitly says a software-defined asset should include an op. What is the proper way to configure that for my own understanding?
Happy to just look at an example if that’s easier 🙂
yeah that's some very confusing text. a better description is that an asset IS an op under the hood, with additional metadata that Dagster tracks and a bigger emphasis on IO management through IOManagers. the code within the
definition is just vanilla python code to carry out whatever task / transformation you're modeling, the same way an op is defined. so a simple asset would be like
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def unique_companies(industry_df: spark.sql.DataFrame):
    return [r.company for r in industry_df.select("company").distinct().collect()]
you could do the same exact thing with an op, but dagster treats them slightly differently in that it doesn't have first-class mechanisms for tracking state associated with an execution for ops. assets are a way to essentially execute logic that also executes in a graph, but for which you want to track some external state
Ahhhh ok that makes complete sense. So in this case because the hightouch integration only exposes an op method, I can create an op graph from that and create my asset from there.
exactly, graph-backed assets were exposed as an additional way to create assets for situations where the logic for creating the state being produced by the asset is dynamic in nature or better modeled as a number of steps. in your case, because the framework exposes the functionality you want as an op, graph-backed assets make an easy way to transform that into an asset
nice, makes sense now, thanks for all the help!
🎉 1
@Josh Kutsko, did you ever figure out how to splice the Hightouch integration stuff together? @Bashir Jaji and I struggling with the same issue. I think we may be misunderstanding how to work with GraphAssets and/or
Hi Dan, sort of, I basically implemented a fake asset that represents the hightouch sync output, using a graph asset definition. The core issue here is that the hightouch library only provides an API to create an op from a sync. I think using
should technically work, but my approach was to use the
decorator. The code is pretty hacky, really just a way to consolidate my syncs into assets so that the rest of the asset model can be clean.
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        "platform_tables": AssetIn(
def platform_export_live(platform_tables):
    first_sync = run_ht_first_sync_op(start_after=platform_tables)
    return run_ht_second_sync_op(start_after=first_sync)
that’s pretty much what I did (names anonymized). Basically just giving it an input asset (not that it can use anything from it) and then manually setting the ops to run after each other.
if you’re able to create assets directly from ops, and still have the proper dependencies, that’s likely a cleaner solution.
really just a way to consolidate my syncs into assets so that the rest of the asset model can be clean.
Awesome - that's really all we need, too 🙂
👍 1
Thank you @Josh Kutsko!
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No problem!