is there a special way to connect to the graphql A...
# dagster-plus
is there a special way to connect to the graphql API on Cloud? I can't seem to get it to work. here's my code
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def run_execution_interrupted_sensor(context: RunFailureSensorContext):
    client = DagsterGraphQLClient(hostname="")

    for event in context.get_step_failure_events():
        run_status = client.get_run_status(event.logging_tags["run_id"])

I tried passing port 3000 like in the docs, but it just hangs and doesn't return anything
w/o the port, it returns a 401 error
a what are you trying to accomplish?
has python APIs that may contain what you are looking for
or in this case you may just be looking for
I'm ultimately trying to execute a mutation to a run re-execution but when that was timing out I tried something simpler like getting the run status
saw your discussion link on the other thread, and that looks like what I'm missing
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