Hello Dagster support Team I deploy dagit, the da...
# ask-community
Hello Dagster support Team I deploy dagit, the daemon, and my code location to AWS ECS, each as their own service Recently I have been working on migrating all the components to the most recent release dagit and the daemon from v1.1.7/0.17.7 to v1.3.4/0.19.4 code location from v1.1.9/0.17.9 to v1.3.4/0.19.4 After the migration I started to see errors that I would like some help understanding. I will put further details in the thread.
The task definitions for dagit and the daemon set environment variables specific to the functioning of dagster in the container. When testing a schedule I see the following error:
When launching a run for a job, the task is created and the job starts, but then I get the following error:
Prior to the migration the jobs and schedules were working and these errors were not raised. Based on the migration guide and the ECS example in the Dagster repo I do not see anything that sticks out to me that would need to change.
Any guidance you can give me would be appreciated
Here is my
just in case it helps
Update: the second error that I mentioned here I was able to resolve on my own as it was an issue with the resource I defined
Hey Brian - sounds like this is resolved from the other thread? but let us know if you're still seeing any problems here