hey folks, we're using dagster Cloud Hybrid with F...
# dagster-plus
hey folks, we're using dagster Cloud Hybrid with Fargate. we sometimes see runs failing to start because of "You’ve reached the limit on the number of vCPUs you can run concurrently". Is there anyway to prevent starting more tasks when we're at our vCPU quota?
This sounds like you're hitting an AWS quota limit to me (it's not a Dagster limit). AWS has some guidance on how to solve a similar error here: https://repost.aws/questions/QUiWCpad5jReKxxTiWjKfeyA/how-to-solve-the-ecs-error-y[…]ached-the-limit-on-the-number-of-tasks-you-can-run-concurrently
ah it's definitely an AWS limit. I'm guessing the best way to control it is take our AWS limit and make sure our dagster concurrency is less than that?
Either requesting a quota increase or making sure that you stay below the quota sound like the two main options to me, yeah