Did scrolling to zoom the DAG view go away? In th...
# dagster-feedback
Did scrolling to zoom the DAG view go away? In the job overview DAG view, I can click to grab and move the canvas which works great. If I scroll, that also only moves the canvas up/down, and to zoom in/out I don't have a mouse control, I have to click on the +/- zoom control. I think scrolling used to zoom in/out, and I would like that to use it to zoom. (I tried shift-scroll and ctrl-scroll which didn't work either.)
Hey Mark, are you on a PC or a Mac? Sorry for the confusion here, we changed the default scroll behavior in the last release, but you should still be able to zoom by holding the control or command keys while scrolling. In tomorrow's release we're adding support for pinch-to-zoom on a trackpad plus some additional improvements to make zooming easier.
I'm on Firefox/Linux.
Let me try some other meta keys. (:
Shift reverses the scroll direction. But none of ctl/alt/windows-icon seem to make scrolling zoom.
Same here on Windows with Chrome - shift reverses direction, other modifiers have no effect
Sorry about this guys, we're looking into it.
ty thankyou 1
Circling back here, we've got a fix for this going out in tomorrow's release.