Updated to `1.3.4` and noticed a dagit regression ...
# dagster-feedback
Updated to
and noticed a dagit regression - on the run page, long tags used to display a tooltip containing the full tag (as they are truncated in the run table) - that tooltip no longer seems to appear
err sorry, it wasn't a tooltip, it used to expand when hovered over
Hey Adam! Do you mind making a GitHub issue for this so I can triage it to the UI team? https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&projects=&template=report_bug.yml
Thank you for the fast turnaround on this 🙇🏽
I almost did that yesterday - I always forget which projects prefer to triage issues from slack vs from github
I'm gonna acknowledge that I haven't fully wrinkled out what goes in #dagster-feedback vs what should be a github issue. I think bug reports and regressions are probably better for GitHub since the action items of those are more straightforward.