Hi folks, I’m trying to follow these <docs> to emi...
# dagster-plus
Hi folks, I’m trying to follow these docs to emit Datadog metric from my Dagster job, but it requires a Datadog agent. Do you have any recommendations for getting a Datadog agent running on the host running our jobs? We run Dagster Cloud with ECS on AWS.
This is more of a Datadog setup question: have you tried following https://docs.datadoghq.com/containers/amazon_ecs/?tab=awscli?
I’d ideally like that container to be added to all the task definitions Dagster Cloud creates to run my jobs. Do you know if there’s a way to configure that in Dagster?
Hey Brandon - this isn't yet possible but I think we could support it without very much work. would you want the sidecars for just the jobs, or also for the services that Dagster Cloud spins up for your code locations?
Ideally for both the jobs and sensors (which I think run on a separate task?)
Do you have a sense of when this could be supported or if there are any known workarounds? Monitoring jobs in Datadog is currently a blocker for us using Dagster in production.
I think we can add this in the next 1-2 weeks
that’d be great for us - thanks!
hey brandon -hybrid ecs sidecar support just went live in the 1.3.6 release
awesome - are there docs on how to use them?