What are the circumstances under which an `Eager` ...
# ask-community
What are the circumstances under which an
auto-materialize policy wouldn't cause an asset to be rematerialized when there are upstream data changes?
I see the same problem. I suspect it's a bug, but devs promised to include GUI or logs for debugging of auto materialization. We'll see 🙂
🌈 1
Gotcha, thanks! Makes sense, I was trying to imagine a logical reason it wouldn't be triggering. A bug definitely makes the most sense
If it involves partitioned ancestor of a non-partitioned asset then you might want to read through this discussion. Clarified lots of things for me. https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U5LFUZJS/p1683807807747919
Interesting! This is good to keep in mind, I do have one graph of assets that are non-partitioned depending on a partitioned ancestor, but currently it's fully materialized, so that graph is actually fully up to date.