Hey, Our dev team are weighing up using dagster-c...
# dagster-plus
Hey, Our dev team are weighing up using dagster-cloud fully serverless vs using a Hybrid deployment. We would like to know more about the data privacy and security when having a fully serverless deployment. Is there any documentation specifically around data privacy, security etc. for serverless specifically? Thanks!
Hi Oliver - there's a bit of information about this here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/serverless#security-and-data-protection That's fairly brief though - if you have more specific questions we'd be happy to elaborate on what's there
I believe you are meeting later today with @Shaun McAvinney and he can answer Qs about these two options as well
Thanks both! Yeah Shaun gave us some more details re: DPA. I’ll sync with the team and get back to him with more questions.