Hello all, if I have an asset that takes say 3 oth...
# ask-community
Hello all, if I have an asset that takes say 3 other assets as inputs is it possible to apply a Freshness policy to only one of the 3 input assets? The documentation doesn’t give examples if this is possible.
hi @Rhys Goodall! If I'm interpreting correctly, this would essentially mean that the downstream asset would only require that it had new data from one of its upstream assets (and would be allowed to have older data from the others)? If so, this is not currently possible, but something that we've hypothesized that people might want. Mind giving a bit more info about your use case and what you'd want to achieve with this setup?
we’re running a lab and it’s very important before we design new experiments to ensure that we’ve got a fresh update of our inventory such that we only design experiments that we can run with the resources we have inventory. We do multiple designs a day and so our inventory changes over the day but the other assets such as the training data don’t need to be updated more than once a day as experiments don’t return results instantly
hm I'm struggling a bit to understand the shape of the graph here -- do you have an image you can share (or just a sketch)? it almost sounds like there's an implicit loop here, where designing a new experiment depends on the available inventory, but executing that experiment will impact that inventory. not a huge deal, just trying to wrap my head around it