So, I'm a bit stuck on consuming a prefixed upstre...
# ask-community
So, I'm a bit stuck on consuming a prefixed upstream asset from another downstream asset outside of the same prefix/group. I think this is how the
api intends for me to do that:
Copy code
        "asset_1": AssetIn(
        "asset_1": AssetIn(
but this ruins the entire point of having prefixes. (I can't have two assets with the same name). I was expecting something more like
Copy code
     "renamed_asset": AssetIn(key_prefix="prefix_1",key="asset_1")
Is there a currently supported way to have two upstream assets with same name from different prefixes? It seems like
doesn't work at all.
hi @Drew You! To make the answer searchable, I added this as a github discussion, but the gist is that you want
key=["prefix_1", "asset_1"]
to indicate a multi-part asset key
🌈 1
Thanks. Would you prefer I post questions on github or in slack? It seems like you notice more quickly here, but it's searchable there.
Slack is slightly more convenient (but any other channel is fine) -- under the hood, they go into the same support queue and so in theory should be answered in a similar amount of time, but if it's going to take some back and forth to get an answer then slack is better for notifications. Github issues take a bit longer to respond to as we generally want to take a bit more care in routing that to a specific person / people to prioritize, whereas slack questions / github discussions are more ephemeral. Also for me personally, asking in slack is slightly easier than github discussions, as if I think the question is something generally applicable then I can write it up in a more generic way for the github discussion (as above)