hi all…is there a way to configure a scheduled job...
# ask-community
hi all…is there a way to configure a scheduled job through dagit? i’m able to create a
that has default values that apply to the scheduled job, but we need to change the configs periodically and would prefer to do so through the ui rather than a code change
hi @Caleb Overman! unfortunately there's currently no way to set any sort of persistent state like that through the UI, so that sort of change would need to happen through code
got it that’s kinda what i figured…for clarity we have dagster orchestrating a large number of versioned docker images that get updates occasionally…it’s handy to be able to update the version string of one of the docker images through a config rather than in code…something like a special tab in the launchpad specific to scheduled jobs instead of an individual run might be a helpful feature - i can certainly put some thoughts/examples together and log something!
that'd be great!