Hi - perhaps a naive question, but is there any wa...
# integration-dbt
Hi - perhaps a naive question, but is there any way to allow for a software defined asset to depend on a dbt asset that is materialised as a view only? The motivation here is to remove much of the complexity of the IO manager into simply
select * from {table}
, as in one of the documentation examples. I imagine this is not done, because it would require the loading of the view to happen within a dbt run (where the view still exists)?
dagster bot responded by community 1
Yeah I don’t see why not
Adding the dependency is fine. But would an IO manager work to load data from the dbt view?
For instance, this example -
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def load_input(self, context) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Load the contents of a table as a pandas DataFrame."""
        table_name = context.asset_key.path[-1]
        return pd.read_sql(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}", con=self.connection_str)
will not exist.
Yeah that should work no problem. As long as you can run SQL against the view, you can define an io_manager like that
Is the
not just the name of your view?
Well that's from the documentation example, so I assume so.
Ah, perhaps you are right - the view is persisted.
How does this function if the asset is partitioned?
You can define an io manager that handles partitions if that’s what you’re after
If you give me a bit of context on the partitions and how you want to partition your view I can see if I can give you a kick start
Thanks! I think I see what you mean. I have a dbt asset A partitioned into days, produced via incremental loading. I would like to create a downstream dbt asset B that does some joins/transformations, also partitioned in this way. Then I have a software defined asset C that depends on B. I would like B to be a view, for the sake of storage space mainly.
👍 1
Currently I am creating B via a dbt view using the partition fn in the dagster:
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where date > '{{ var("start_date") }}' and date <= '{{ var("end_date") }}'
Where those parameters are set by the partition in dagster.
just a regular table, I would adopt incremental materialisation. I can't do that here. I could specify the view without where clause, and use the IO manager to do that part?
Yeah I’d say do that ^
👍 1
I think I was assuming I would need to make the dbt view specific to the partition, but that isn't needed at all as it's just a view.
🎯 1
You could probably do something similar to this for your IO manager:
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def load_input(self, context) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Load the contents of a table as a pandas DataFrame."""
    table_name = context.asset_key.path[-1]
    if context.has_partition_key:
        return pd.read_sql(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE date={context.asset_partition_key}",
    return pd.read_sql(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}", con=self.connection_str)
👍 1