Our next open demo and live Q&A is tomorrow - ...
# announcements
Our next open demo and live Q&A is tomorrow - Thursday, June 1st, Join us at 9:00 AM PST / 5:00 PM GMT for the demo or at 9:30 AM PST / 5:30 PM GMT if you want to join the Q&A. Sign up for reminders: https://dagster.io/dagster-demo-signup Or just jump on the call tomorrow: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81542945555?pwd=U3BTeGxFU2szalorNWdXb3hENEhXdz09
Will a recording be posted right after?
We have recorded some of these demos in the past, but generally we keep them as live events. We have

a 10 minute demo here

. Does that help?
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