Hello Team, We're on the latest version of Dagste...
# ask-community
Hello Team, We're on the latest version of Dagster (1.3.6). I am seeing that after pressing "Reload" button on the /locations page, the button stays deactivated as if the reload is happening in the background even though it would have finished couple minutes back. One needs to refresh the page in order to set things right. @daniel - tagging you as this is related to the change you guys shipped.
How long does the web request take to complete? Can you check the network tab in your browser while it’s running to see if it’s timing out or returning some other error?
DM'ed you
what I suspect is happening is that the long request is getting timed out at the network level (maybe in a load-balancer or the ingress or something) and then our UI isn't handling it as well as we could be. We can fix our error handling to make it move the page into a better error state, but my guess is it may require some network changes on your side to allow longer requests in order for there to be no error state for these mutations that take longer
separately we should probably make the mutation more asynchronous vs. waiting for it to reload the code - that's on the longer-term roadmap but will probably not happen for a while
Thanks for the report Abhishek! I’ve just put up a PR to fix this and restore the button state when a network error occurs. https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/14565
@daniel @dish I do see the error now that comes just after 30 seconds. The reload takes approx. 2 minutes though. It would be good to increase the timeout on this or make this process async, that would be the best option I guess. I don't want the reload to stop because of this error.
The 30 second timeout there isn't something on the dagster side - it's likely something in your load balancer or k8s cluster
Ah okay, the infra guy is on leave so I won't be able to get this fixed for at least a month. Hope the changes you're planning won't stop the code reload midway. I'm happy with having to refresh until I get the timeout issue fixed.