Hi, we have a lot of backfill tasks stuck in `Requ...
# ask-community
Hi, we have a lot of backfill tasks stuck in
status and our backfill daemon constantly failing, is there a way to clean up the stale backfill requests somehow?
Hi Qi. What do you mean your backfill daemon is constantly failing? I think it should be possible to click "cancel backfill" or "terminate unfinished runs"?
hi @claire, we're not seeing those options in the dropdown somehow when the jobs is dependent on its own previous partition.
Hm.. what version are you on? Starting from 1.3.7, backfill cancellation is supported for both job backfills and asset backfills
we're on 1.3.9 now and facing another issue with Backfill, all jobs are showing incomplete although after clicking into each job, they're marked as "complete"
I've seen this error too--I will report to our UI team. In the meantime, would you mind filing an issue for tracking purposes?