Hi there, first of all, thank you... Dagster is gr...
# ask-community
Hi there, first of all, thank you... Dagster is great, I am migrating some workloads from airflow and so far so good. I have been tinkering with docker-compose with success and now I am lifting up to k8s some experiments. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong: In my
I have:
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  module: dagster_k8s.launcher
  class: K8sRunLauncher
    job_image: myco/dagster-code:latest
    instance_config_map: env
    service_account_name: dagster
but for some reason
is ignored, jobs are always created using
. If I comment out the
service_account_name: dagster
line, dagster complaints so the setting is validated but ignored for some reason. I have temporarily granted the
job creation permissions and I am getting somewhere, I see jobs being created but... this time it's the
setting that is being ignored. I am stuck with lots of:
Copy code
stream logs failed container "dagster" in pod "dagster-run-2559c16d-5840-4932-9b19-1523b824d0eb-ddtj5" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled for default/dagster-run-2559c16d-5840-4932-9b19-1523b824d0eb-ddtj5 (dagster)
If this is a bug, I am happy to contribute back provided a little nudge in the right direction. If I did something wrong, I would really appreciate some help.
Hi Alessandro - is this using the Dagster helm chart?
(That's proably the easiest way to deploy dagster to k8s if that's an option) I'm assuming you're not using the helm chart since that doesn't expose a way to set service_account_name directly. What image is it using instead of the job_image that you set?
Hi @daniel! Thanks for the fast reply! You are correct, I am not using the helm chart. I managed to workaround the image issue with a little drone pipeline that tags the images so that they are picked up by dagster. For now "*it_works*™️" The first problem I mentioned still remains, It would be great if I could have dagster use the specified
. How do I do that? 🙏
How are you checking what the service account is? I would expect that configuration to work