Hi! Can I use an asset to represent a folder/dire...
# ask-community
Hi! Can I use an asset to represent a folder/directory such that every time the asset gets materialized the contents of the folder get refreshed? For context, I have an op that performs an action based on a YAML file. The content of the YAML is generated/managed/updated by another system. Every time there's a change, the YAML file is uploaded to an s3 bucket to overwrite the previous file in the s3 bucket. I want to always have the latest version of this file available in a path/directory accessible to Dagster and was wondering if I can use an Asset and a sensor to achieve the file sync or if this is something meant specifically for an OP? Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!
Do you drop and recreate the entire folder each time? Or do you operate on individual files within the folder? Are there multiple YAML files?
The entire folder...I dumbed down my context. I actually need to unzip an entire folder into a path Dagster can access
The yaml file allows me to install a package (a Meltano tap)
here's an example that unzips an entire folder: https://docs.dagster.io/tutorial/managing-your-own-io#tutorial-part-7-managing-your-own-io. would this work for you?
Sweet! Thanks, Sandy!
I'll read through it and let you know!
@sandy Yea, this should work! - The asset will be responsible for making the latest changes available then, I have a separate Job that expects the directory (and its content) to always be available and up to date; the Job uses dagster_meltano to install and execute meltano jobs. Instead of materializing the asset every time the Job has to run, I'll want to use a sensor to keep my asset up to date and only materialize it when the zip file has been updated/overwritten in s3. Do you think this pattern works or should I consider using a different approach? I'm looking to use a sensor, an Asset, and a job with a few ops. any thoughts?
Using a sensor to detect when the zip file has been overwritten and trigger the asset sounds like a good idea to me
Thank you 🙏🏻