Hello! I have been successful at using BigQueryRes...
# integration-bigquery
Hello! I have been successful at using BigQueryResource on an asset, but when I use it in a sensor I get this error when trying to get the client:
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AttributeError: 'generator' object has no attribute 'get_client'
The code of the sensor is like this:
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def person_enrichment_job_input_sensor(
    context: SensorEvaluationContext,
    bigquery: BigQueryResource,
    with bigquery.get_client() as client:
It fails when calling
function. Any idea of what may be going wrong? Is there a difference in the implementation of using resources on sensors vs assets?
In case this is useful, when I print the variable
I get this:
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<generator object BigQueryResource.get_object_to_set_on_execution_context at 0x28ff5d6d0>
If I print the same parameter in an asset, I get a
instance instead
So it seems the parameter is resolved to different types on assets vs sensors
hmmm yeah that may be the case that the resource is provided in different ways. looping in @ben .
❤️ 1
@Miguel Caballero Pinto @jamie was this solved? just ran into it myself
I can get it working using
but that seems kinda odd
i don’t know if @ben updated anything about how resources are provided to sensors, but on the bigquery side, the bigquery resource is still a generator (this is because of some auth related stuff). i’ve been working on a way to make it not a generator between some other tasks, but i’ve had some higher priority work in the past few weeks so i haven’t been able to focus on it
Sorry for the late reply! I think I can see why this is happening, let me try to put a fix together