Hi team, trying to understand more on how the run_...
# ask-community
Hi team, trying to understand more on how the run_status_sensor works. We have @run_status_sensor(run_status=QUEUED) but it seems to get skipped even when there were jobs being queued between its tick
i.e. The sensor skipped past 3 ticks from 2:06 to 2:37. However, we see that there are jobs being queued around 2:11.
what’s the record_id for the run that got queued? one hunch could be as at record_id cursors were at 95629203, 95629334, 95629453, the run status sensor might have missed that queued run somehow.
Thanks @yuhan! What’s the easiest way to get the record_id for a run please?
@yuhan following up on this 🙏
sorry! looking now
we don’t surface that through the UI but you can get it through
👍 1
the record_id is auto incremented so that would help to determine when and which runs the run status sensor skipped
Thanks. Let me try it. Another question, is there a way to see the job run for these sensors?
by job run, did you mean the skipped runs, or the sensor body?
the jobs that are triggered by the job status sensors
to clarify, does your run status sensor kick off any new runs? — in most cases it should be listening to any skipped runs (run_A) and do something in the sensor body (in my_run_status_sensor), such as:
Copy code
run_A -> my_run_status_sensor
if my_run_status_sensor did react to run_A, in run_A’s log, you should be seeing something like:
Sensor … acted on run status ... of run ...
My run status sensor doesn’t kick off any new runs. We only want it to monitor job success/fail and emit metrics for now. I just realized that the run status sensor directly executes the job inside our server pod instead of creating a dagster job to execute the code inside it. Is it the case?