Hello! I am playing around with dynamic partitions...
# ask-community
Hello! I am playing around with dynamic partitions. The following code does not work in dagster dev:
Copy code
from dagster import DynamicPartitionsDefinition

partitions_def = DynamicPartitionsDefinition(name="example")
existing_keys = partitions_def.get_partition_keys()
I wanted to use the
method in my sensor to reconcile the existing partitions with the actual partitions. Here is the error code:
dagster._check.CheckError: Failure condition: The instance is not available to load partitions. You may be seeing this error when using dynamic partitions with a version of dagit or dagster-cloud that is older than 1.1.18.
I am running the latest versions of dagster and dagit (1.3.9).
Hey Yusuf: I wrote an answer for this: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/14715
Thanks for the quick reply 🙂