Is it possible to set `tag` `"dagster/priority"` o...
# ask-community
Is it possible to set
of an aliased
? I tried setting it via job run config but it failed. Is the only option to set it in `op()`'s decorator (it does not work in case of
? EDIT: when I try to set it in the run config like this:
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                "ops": {
                    "save_clients": {  # this is the aliased op
                        "tags": {"dagster/priority": "98"},
                        "config": {
                            "table_name": "my_custom_config_that_i_also_use",
I get such error or similar:
Error 1: Received unexpected config entry "tags" at path rootopssave_clients. Expected: "{ config: { table_name: (String | { env: String }) } }".
hey @Piotr Danielczyk, did you use the the name you aliased with when passing the config from the job to the aliased op?
Hi @Gustavo Carvalho, thanks for reaching out. The problem is I cannot even state
when passing data to the config. The code looks like this:
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                "ops": {
                    "save_clients": {  # this is the aliased op
                        "tags": {"dagster/priority": "98"},
                        "config": {
                            "table_name": "my_custom_config_that_i_also_use",
While the graph looks like this:
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def clients_to_crm():
And I get such error :
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Error 1: Received unexpected config entry "tags" at path root:ops:save_clients. Expected: "{ config: {  table_name: (String | { env: String }) } }".
uh, yeah, that's true, I confused the tags and configs
I don't know if it is possible to set the op tags dinamically
Hi @Piotr Danielczyk ! Unfortunately, it's not possible to set op tags post-hoc. One possibility would be to use an op factory approach to programmatically generate different op definitions with different tags