Hey Team, can we have multiple user-deployment-val...
# ask-community
Hey Team, can we have multiple user-deployment-values.yaml file for OSS k8s deployment?
Hi Abhishek, we don't currently support this - there's a somewhat related issue here for letting code locations be spun up and down more independently of each other: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/6295
Hmmm this can be a good solve. Let me explain the problem I'm running into - We have a user-deployment-values.yaml file where we have 3 code locations. By default, they are meant to pick up "latest" tag for the docker images but while deployment, we replace the tag with the commit-id . Now, whenever a deployment happens for Pipeline A, the tags for Pipeline B and Pipeline C default to "latest" as the deployment pipeline only updates the tag for the pipeline being deployed, in this case - A. So whenever one pipeline is getting deployed, other pipeline lose their commit-id tag. Any ideas how to solve this?
I think what i would recommend is checking in the specific tags to use for all your deploymnets into a single file in code and using those as the basis for your helm redeploy in ci/cd