Hello! For handling AWS secrets, <the docs> state ...
# deployment-ecs
Hello! For handling AWS secrets, the docs state that “By default, Dagster will fetch any Secrets Manager secrets tagged with the
key and set them as environment variables.” Two questions: • To confirm, this is referring to a tag with key = “dagster”, right? If so, can the value of that tag (whose key is
) be anything? • At what point does the secret actually get stored as an environment variable? I know we need to give the task IAM role the relevant secrets access, but I’d love to learn when & how the secret actually gets carried over into the relevant container(s).
• confirmed! • The values are pulled from the secret and added as environment variables by ECS when the container is spun up (before any python code runs). More information about this process in the ECS docs here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/secrets-envvar-secrets-manager.html - dagster is setting the "secrets" key described in those. docs, e.g.
Copy code
  "containerDefinitions": [
      "secrets": [
          "name": "environment_variable_name",
          "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:secret_name-AbCdEf"
Perfect, thank you!
Actually — @daniel a couple of more questions: • How does dagster pick the
? is that the name of the secret itself (in which case is it assuming plain-text secrets vs. key/val?), or the key in the secret key/val pair? • If the latter: ◦ if a secret has multiple key/val pairs will Dagster pull in all of them? ◦ how would Dagster handle it if two different secrets have the same key but different values?
dagster doesn't actually pick the environment variable names, ECS does - ECS picks all the key-value pairs in the secret, and I don't actually know how ECS breaks ties if the same key is specified more than once
ah okay, but since ECS does, it’ll just pick all key-value pairs in every secret tagged with
. that helps ! For context, I have a secret with that tag, but none of my containers are picking it up - even after restarting the ECS service. are there any common errors that you’ve seen for configuring secrets ?
You could try specifying the secret by ARN first and see if that works
making sure its in the correct region and AWS account and that your app has the right permissions to access secrets is another gotcha
checking the task definition to see if the secret was specified can help rule out problems
oooh thank you, I’ll try that! When you say “if the secret was specified”, are you referring to including it in the
block ?
It should look like that example I posted earlier:
Copy code
  "containerDefinitions": [
      "secrets": [
          "name": "environment_variable_name",
          "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:secret_name-AbCdEf"
Or wait, sorry, not exactly that, one moment
I'm sorry, I think i misremembered the details here. if you're using the option where it's tagged with
, it uses the name of the secret as the environment variable name, and expects the secret to have a single value
okay, I will try that. when you said the secret gets added “when the container is spun up” , are you referring to just the container triggered by the runner?
yeah, the ECS task that is created for each run
Cool, thanks for confirming! i’m going to try hard-coding the secret ARN. In the meantime, when you suggested “checking the task definition to see if the secret was specified can help rule out problems”, does that mean we need to include anything for the secret in the task definition itself?
You don't need to include anything, I was just suggesting that to confirm that it made it onto the task definition to rule out a problem there
Oh I see! I do see it in the task command (
) under
, but it does’t flow through as an environment variable. Does that mean Dagster knows what to pull but can’t because of IAM issues?
If there were IAM issues I would expect there to be an exception, it seems like it's not finding any secrets with that tag. Are you sure your boto3 client is using the right region? You could also try passing in a specific secret ARN first using
instead of
and see if that is working and verify that it is looking for secrets in the right place, then try the tags thing
Yeah, passing in the hard-coded secret isn’t working either, and confirmed that the region is correct. I might revisit this later, but for now I’ll just pass in the secrets directly in the task definition. Thanks for the help!