When executing the `runsOrError` GraphQL query, wh...
# ask-community
When executing the
GraphQL query, what's the best way to collect the assets of a given run (executed by Dagster or within a dagster-dbt run) that were NOT successfully materialized. I've tried collecting all AssetMaterialized>AssetKey>path values and comparing those to the AssetSelection>AssetKey>paths, however the way that dagster-dbt includes all assets of a dbt run in a single step results in inaccurate results when going this route.
here’s a discussion for a similar question: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/14613 where you can go through the Dagster Instance and query for the asset materializations events associated to the runs which will be the successful materializations tho. for your case, you might be able to get the detailed model-level in other events. lemme check with the team.
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