What's the best way to add a manual review type of...
# ask-community
What's the best way to add a manual review type of Asset / Op within a scheduled job?
Could you elaborate on “manual review type”?
EX: Manually review something and if it looks good change the Assets state to success so the downstream Assets in the job kick off.
I think I would approach this by actually splitting the job into "pre-work" and "approved" jobs. Add a run sensor on the "pre-work" job to trigger the approval process. Create an asset from the approval given (with metadata captured on approver, reason, etc). Use an Asset Sensor to detect when an approval is given, create a RunRequest for the "approved" job, passing the approval metadata into job for posterity.
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That being said, @yuhan is the expert here so I will be interested to see if there's a more straightforward way. 🙂
Oh I see. We currently don’t have a native way to support that, but we have feature request issue open for this: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/14681 where I commented a workaround.
But yeah very similar to Adam’s suggestions!
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Thanks, I'll track notifications on that issue and see if I can figure out the sensor workaround
If you wanted to get fancy, you could probably leverage the Dagit GraphQL endpoint to execute the "approved" job from within the approval process itself, passing in any necessary data to the job's RunRequest.