New to Dagster but thrilled about the potential. I...
# ask-community
New to Dagster but thrilled about the potential. I'm working with scientists who often write their workflows in languages other than Python such as R/Julia. It seems like if I want to chain together containerized jobs with arbitrary images I have a couple options: the k8s-job-op and the docker-container-op. But I don't see any examples of how to chain the inputs and outputs together. Does someone have an example of this?
these built-in ops are defined with Nothing Dependencies. so to chain them together you should be able to chain them like this:
Copy code
first_op = k8s_job_op.configured(
        "image": "busybox",
        "command": ["/bin/sh", "-c"],
        "args": ["echo HELLO"],

second_op = docker_container_op.configured(
        "image": "busybox",
        "command": ["echo GOODBYE"],

def full_job():