This is probably super simple but i cant find an e...
# integration-dbt
This is probably super simple but i cant find an example for the life of me. How do I link a dbt cloud asset to an existing dagster asset I created via code. Trying to set up a very simple ELT logic (EL is a dagster asset, T is a dbt model which i need to trigger once EL dagster asset is created)
Hi! When loading in a dbt project, the dbt source gets turned into an asset with the key
If it finds a Dagster asset with the same full asset key as it (vs just the asset name), then it'll map that dbt source to that dagster asset. You can customize what your dagster asset's name is with the
args in the asset decorator to match the dbt source's name (note that these are new args as of v1.3.12)