Hi, on the dagster asset RetryPolicy object, is th...
# ask-community
Hi, on the dagster asset RetryPolicy object, is there a way to rerun an asset only if it fails to materialize, not if the run is cancelled?
🤖 1
In addition, if a job is running in_process and an asset (with a non-null retry policy fails), the job restarts, but in the same process?
You write the op, so you can kick out whatever Failure you want. You can set the allow_retries flag to specifically respecte the Retry policy or not https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/ops#dagster.Failure
Is there a way to generally configure the different dagster run statuses where retries are allowed? Could you point me to a small code snippet where you catch Failures and permit retries but for cancellations don't permit retries?
Is there a way to have dagster run a job inprocess but on retry, create a new process?
on the dagster asset RetryPolicy object, is there a way to rerun an asset only if it fails to materialize, not if the run is cancelled?
If a run is manually terminated, the asset’s retry policy shouldn’t do anything. Try this and terminate the run, no retry occurs.
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from time import sleep
from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, Definitions, RetryPolicy

def foo_asset():
    return 1

defs = Definitions(
In addition, if a job is running in_process and an asset (with a non-null retry policy fails), the job restarts, but in the same process?
This should cause the op associated with the failing asset to restart, not the entire job.
Is there a way to have dagster run a job inprocess but on retry, create a new process?
Pretty sure we don’t offer an API for this.
Thanks for the follow ups. I tried manual termination and it seems like I'm not able to replicate. I'm seeing that dagster raises "dagster._core.errors.DagsterExecutionInterruptedError" on manual termination but then it retires the asset
How are you manually terminating?
Ah ok so looking a little more carefully-- I am terminating here by hitting the “Terminate” button in dagit. My event log shows
and a
event, but the retry never actually happens because of the run cancellation:
Here's an example where I'm getting a retry after manual termination. I am running with the
, I wonder if that could cause different behavior, though I wouldn't expect that?
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def pasta():
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now.microsecond <= 100:
        raise AssertionError("fail for now")
        return "pasta"

def return_60():
    return 60

return_60_job = define_asset_job(name="return_60_job", selection=[return_60, pasta])
I'm manually terminating by clicking the red "Terminate" button in the top right, then clicking "Terminate 1 Run", and then clicking "Done"
I am running with the in_process_executor , I wonder if that could cause different behavior, though I wouldn’t expect that?
I was just able to replicate using the `in_process_executor`:
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from time import sleep
from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, Definitions, RetryPolicy
from dagster._core.definitions.executor_definition import in_process_executor

def foo_asset():
    return 1

defs = Definitions(
    jobs=[define_asset_job(name="my_job", executor_def=in_process_executor)],
This is a legitimate bug that we will fix. I’ve opened an issue: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/15026 Thanks for the report!
Thank you, do you know what is the timeline on these bug fixes?
I did find a workaround which is to put the asset code inside of a try except. I catch dagster.DagsterExecutionInterruptedError and then raise dg.Failure with allow_retries set to False
Can’t give a timeline on this one immediately-- not clear how hard the fix is and use of
outside testing is not too common
Ok gotcha thank you