(property-analyzer) remisharoon@remiss-MacBook-Pro...
# ask-community
(property-analyzer) remisharoon@remiss-MacBook-Pro dagster % dagster project from-example --name pa_dagster --example quickstart_etl Downloading example ‘quickstart_etl’. This may take a while. Success! Created pa_dagster at /Users/remisharoon/lab/property-analyzer/src/dagster/pa_dagster. (property-analyzer) remisharoon@remiss-MacBook-Pro dagster % (property-analyzer) remisharoon@remiss-MacBook-Pro dagster % ls pa_dagster ls: pa_dagster: No such file or directory (property-analyzer) remisharoon@remiss-MacBook-Pro dagster % ls /Users/remisharoon/lab/property-analyzer/src/dagster/pa_dagster ls: /Users/remisharoon/lab/property-analyzer/src/dagster/pa_dagster: No such file or directory where did the folder go??
Hi Remis! Sorry that you're encountering this. Looks like something happened in the past day and that is happening to others too. A temporary workaround while we resolve this is to get the folders directly from the repo https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/master/examples, either by cloning it or copying the files @sean looks like this is mac repro
Hi Remis, we’ve now fixed this problem and are rolling out another release this morning with the fix.