Next in my <series of polls> about how you use dbt...
# integration-dbt
Next in my series of polls about how you use dbt: how do you handle your profiles.yml? 1️⃣ - check it in to my git repository 2️⃣ - put it in
If your answer is 1️⃣ , what folder do you put it in? The root of your dbt project? Nested under a
folder? Somewhere else? And does this cause any problems if developers want to customize their profiles for local develop? If your answer is 2️⃣ , how do you handle deployment? I.e. do you bundle it with your Docker image? And, if so, where do you pull it from to get it in there? Not going to bother everyone with an
this time, but would still love anyone and everyone's input.
2️⃣ 1
1️⃣ 16
we have a directory in our repo that contains two dbt projects in their own directories, the
lives in that directory. Haven't had many complaints from developers re customization, but we heavily use env vars with reasonable defaults
👀 1
A mix of these, actually. In our
directory, we have
with a single target that is almost entirely parameterized with env vars, so dagster can use it directly. For local development, you can either set the env vars, or override the dbt profiles directory and specify a profile.
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• nested inside a folder • plenty of targets + envvars
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Porque no los dos? • within
, this is how Dagster runs dbt, it’s bundled with the deployed docker image for our dbt code location. Sensitive info is stored in env vars, fetched from secrets in the local docker-compose setup that’s used if we want/need to test something end-to-end in a setup roughly mirroring our prod deployment • devs can still run everything without going the dagster route if they setup the profiles themselves which would create a
😅 1
👀 1
Same as Vinnie for me