Was discussing the new pricing for cloud at the da...
# dagster-plus
Was discussing the new pricing for cloud at the databricks Data + AI. Does the new setup not encourage an anti pattern on usage to avoid costs? If someone took a bunch of assets and just stuffed them into a single op, how does that work?
Hey Jordan, happy to follow up on DM, but ops and asset materializations are each a credit. It is challenging to pick a pricing mechanism that scales which doesn’t create strange incentives, but we wanted to avoid a flat fee that is expensive for less intense users and cheap for intensive accounts
Yeah, I suppose most arbitrary pricing models could create strange incentives. Ideally there would be some sort of logarithmic curve, as volume increases price per unit decreases. Just had a lot of discussion on how this newest price model directly encourages a dagster anti pattern of using ops arbitrarily instead of assets.
🌈 1
I should call out here publicly that per-step costs do go down pretty dramatically with scale on Enterprise. It starts to become worthwhile to consider enterprise when your credits reach 30-40k a month