Hello, I'm trying to test the experimental <asset ...
# ask-community
Hello, I'm trying to test the experimental asset concurrency limit across runs with the following code location sample:
Copy code
from dagster import asset, Definitions, HourlyPartitionsDefinition
import time

# Assets
@asset(op_tags={"dagster/concurrency_key": "my_tag"}, partitions_def=HourlyPartitionsDefinition("2023-07-01-00:00"))
def hourly_asset():

defs = Definitions(assets = [hourly_asset])
I used Dagit to setup concurrency limit for tag
and was expecting runs from a large backfill to be queued. However, all runs were triggered and started without wait. What is the missing step to use this new feature ?
Hello, Did anyone managed to test the new asset/op level concurrency limit feature ?