Hello, I run Dagster 1.3.11 deployed with the Helm...
# ask-community
Hello, I run Dagster 1.3.11 deployed with the Helm chart and PostgreSQL for all storage. When running ops to materialize an asset, stdout and stderr are both empty in the "Raw compute logs" tab. More precisely, the panel says
No log file available
. Seeing the logs there works fine when running the same code locally directly with
. I do not use a step launcher. I can see a GraphQL query to
that returns
Copy code
  "data": {
    "capturedLogsMetadata": {
      "stdoutDownloadUrl": null,
      "stdoutLocation": null,
      "stderrDownloadUrl": null,
      "stderrLocation": null,
      "__typename": "CapturedLogsMetadata"
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Thanks,