Hi, Would anyone be able to advise how I can mate...
# ask-community
Hi, Would anyone be able to advise how I can materialise all assets in one go, some of which are partitioned, via the Python api?
Copy code
from dagster import StaticPartitionsDefinition, asset, AssetIn, AllPartitionMapping, \
    materialize, DagsterInstance

partitions = StaticPartitionsDefinition(["1", "2"])

def asset_a():

@asset(ins={"asset_a": AssetIn("asset_a", partition_mapping=AllPartitionMapping())})
def asset_b(asset_a):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    instance = DagsterInstance.get()

    for partition_key in partitions.get_partition_keys():
            assets=[asset_a, asset_b],

    materialize(assets=[asset_a, asset_b],
Currently for this mock pipeline I have to call materialize 3 times. My real world pipeline is much more complicated and would require a very messy set of calls to materialize to work properly. Using dagit it is very straightforward however. I click materialize all and it knows to materialize both partitions for asset_a before materializing asset_b. See screenshots. In an ideal world I expected to be able to pass a list of partition keys similar to dagit and dagster work out the rest. Not being able to kick this off as described from python is a real blocker on my workflow so any help would be greatly appreciated!
materialize(assets = all_asssets, partition_key = ["1", "2"])
I think it relates to this issue https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/14905