Hello all, I have a question: at the moment, we do...
# ask-community
Hello all, I have a question: at the moment, we do not want to use an AutoMaterilizePolicy to update our assets because the experimental tag (and because of organizational context). So at the moment we are using a basic daily schedule to refresh our assets. But we have some assets which needs to materialize for example only the first of eacht month or on each monday. Is their a way to combine basic schedules and FreshnessPolicies? Thank you all in advance for the help.
Hi! There isn't a way to combine regular schedules and freshness policies out-of-the-box. May I ask about your concerns about the experimental tag? It's completely valid! but wanted to get your feedback on it.
Hi Tim, thank you for your answer and my apologies for my late reply. It is partially the experimental tag ( in the organization they want to be very sure) and partially our current broader set up. Our compute servers are not 24/7 online. They start up at a specific time and we cannot materialize assets before that time. With a schedule we have full control when a run starts but with the automaterilizepolicy it is possible that Dagster kicks off a run before the start up time of our servers. So to be short: a basic schedule does not take into account the possible definied freshnessPolicies? Wouldn't it be a nice feature for the future?