Hey all, i’m running into a an issue with the new ...
# ask-community
Hey all, i’m running into a an issue with the new features for loading assets as inputs to graphs/ops. I have the following asset/job definition:
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def output_1():
    return 1

def add_1(raw_num: int):
    print(raw_num + 1)

def adder_graph():

resources = {"io_manager": fs_io_manager}
test = Definitions(
    assets=load_assets_from_current_module(group_name="Adder", key_prefix=["reference", "adders"]),
The issue appears to be the invocation via
which adds a key prefix to the asset, and therefore changes the output location of the asset. When I try to consume the asset via
it tries to look for the asset data at the wrong path:
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterExecutionLoadInputError: Error occurred while loading input "raw_num" of step "add_1":
The above exception was caused by the following exception:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/fahad/.dagster/storage/output_1'
Looking at the actual storage path for
it is being materialized to
. This seems to make sense because
is creating a copy of the definition. That being said, is there a way to tell
that I want to apply an asset key prefix?
🤖 1
hey @fahad you might need to add the prefix to the original asset in this case
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def output_1():
    return 1
this is probably worth opening a github issue - can you open one and include the details of your use case? https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/new/choose
Thanks, I added a feature request that might make this a bit more ergonomic for those who use the asset loader utilities https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/15174