A few questions about the new pricing plan and Dag...
# dagster-plus
A few questions about the new pricing plan and Dagster Credits (it'd be good to have a detailed explanation page in the docs, beyond just the short FAQ on the pricing page): • Since an asset is a 'wrapper' around an op, does this mean that materializing a data asset consumed two credits (one for the asset materialization and one for the internal op)? • How do these credits interact with integrations like Fivetran/Airbyte and DBT? For Fivetran, a single op is generally responsible for orchestrating one connector, which can yield multiple assets. If a single Fivetran connector yields 20 assets, am I charged 1 credit (for the single op), 20 credits (for the 20 assets generated) or 21 credits (1 for the op, 20 for the assets)? The same logic applies for DBT, Airbyte, etc.
I’ll answer your bullets in order: • Yes • 21 (1 for the op, 20 for the assets)
Regarding the first point, that seems rather...skewed/dysfunctional (for lack of a better term)? Someone made the point earlier that the new pricing structure incentivizes folks to use ops instead of assets by bundling multiple assets into a single op to reduce costs. In this case, though, even in a more apples-to-apples situation where there is no bundling, assets are still at a disadvantage because a user is essentially paying 2x as much for the same computation (in real terms).
Not trolling (I know I raised my concern in the other thread), but just another data point specifically for Fivetran: I scanned our audit logs, and it would cost 42% of what we pay FiveTran annually in Dagster Credits if we used Dagster to schedule Fivetran runs. Same concern as what I surfaced earlier.