Is there a way to get the previous scheduled parti...
# ask-community
Is there a way to get the previous scheduled partition key in an asset? If i use the below in a scheduled asset it will return a partition key even if the should_execute in the schedule is False:
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def my_asset(context):
    current_partition_window = context.partition_time_window
    prev_window = daily_partitions_def.get_prev_partition_window(current_partition_window.start)
    prev_partition_key = prev_window.start
    return prev_partition_key

my_job = define_asset_job("my_job", selection=[my_asset], partitions_def=partitions_def)
e.g. if my partition is:
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partitions_def = DailyPartitionsDefinition(start_date='2023-07-03', timezone='America/New_York', fmt='%Y-%m-%d', end_offset=1)
and my scheduled job is:
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def skip_july_4th(context) -> bool:
    dt = context.scheduled_execution_time
    if '2023-07-04' in str(dt):
        return False
        return True

@schedule(job=my_job, should_execute=skip_july_4th, cron_schedule="40 22 * * 1-5", execution_timezone='America/New_York')
def nyse_schedule(context):
    partition_key = daily_partitions_def.get_partition_key_for_timestamp(
    request = us_job.run_request_for_partition(partition_key=partition_key)
    yield request
The example above will return a previous partition key of '2023-07-04' on '2023-07-05' even thou it will return False for the given
function in the schedule. How can I get the previous scheduled partition key in the asset?
This is an interesting case. At first, I was going to suggest using
, but that doesn’t necessarily work if, for example, you try to backfill. I think you need to retrieve the asset materialization event with the highest partition, and I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to do that. Surfacing this to a discussion
@Dagster Bot discussion retrieving the latest time-based partition that was actually materialized for an asset
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Question in the thread has been surfaced to GitHub Discussions for future discoverability:
I think the git discussion\ got edited to something different from what I wanted to do
that was me editing it; I tried to make it more generic / useful to others, but I think it basically boils down to what you are looking for
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ah ok
Are custom partitions still unsupported? I know they were in the past but that could be a solution
In my case it's not cron I want to follow for the partition but a pre-defined calendar
Custom partitions are supported by static and dynamic partitions definitions; also this question I think is irrespective of cron / pre-defined calendar imo. I think it boils down to: based on some sorting of all of my partitions, give me the highest sorted partition that has been actually materialized.
does that jive with what you’re thinking?
Yeah I think they're both solutions to my core problem at least, I wouldn't need the above essentially if I could define a partition that skipped holidays for example.
ah I see what you mean. I think that when scheduling it might get weird if you had a partitioning that skipped holidays, because when your scheduler still fires, the system might get confused why there isn’t a partition for the current day (if it is a holiday for example). I think that the strategy you’re using of
might be more robust in that regard