Hi! I'm having trouble deploying to dagster cloud....
# dagster-plus
Hi! I'm having trouble deploying to dagster cloud. From the dagit deploy page: it looks like a full disk?
Copy code
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Hey Brendan, taking a look at this issue for you
Hi Brendan - I took a look and it appears you have a
file in your dagster project directory that is very large (about 1.4G). I assume this is created during the cicd workflow execution. The entire dagster project directory is shipped as a pex file for deployment. Are you able to delete this folder just before the deploy step in your workflow?
Oh! Yes. That's just a gitlab cache. Thanks - I figured I must have been doing something daft.
If you’re also able to move that to a directory outside the dagster project directory it would help.
Hi - I've removed the .cache, and I'm now getting this in my build logs:
Copy code
$ ls .cache -lh
total 4.0K
Built /tmp/tmp8zenynvw/source-404741139d836816cd98aa043b5dc3e658c1e926.pex (19 MB) from:
Which is obviously much smaller. But I'm still hitting the same out of disk error. Any ideas?
We might be reusing the container at our end. I just restarted it - can you please try again?
trying now
That worked! Thanks!
Sorry for filling up the disk. 😕 I didn't realise the pex file would include the pip cache.
No worries at all! We used to only ship the python packages initially but switched to shipping the entire directory because user's dont always specify data dependencies in the Python package. We have a list of patterns we ignore such as
. I will add
to that list.
Good idea! I think it's the default location for pip
Thanks for the report - and sorry for the trouble here.
No worries; I'm happy it's fixed!