Hey there I am trying to apply a tag to control th...
# ask-community
Hey there I am trying to apply a tag to control the resources of an auto materialization for an asset. Adding it to the op tags does nothing and the docs says that I can add it to the values.yaml which is not quite what we need since I dont want to give all asset materializations this much memory just this one asset. I think we were able to do it when using the old auto materialization strategy.
Hi @Pablo Beltran! You can set the tags that are set on runs kicked off for auto-materialization inside the dagster.yaml file as described here: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/dagster-instance#auto-materialize
The issue is that I dont want to apply these tags to all assets just a specific one that needs the extra resources.
ah I see, currently, this is only possible if you use the k8s executor which launches one k8s pod per executed step rather than one k8s pod per run (with the k8s run launcher). this would let you set those tags on the assets directly. this usecase is becoming more common as auto materialization use grows, so we're looking into how we can better support it
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