Hi, I'm trying to backfill some data on dagster us...
# ask-community
Hi, I'm trying to backfill some data on dagster using
Materialise all
. I have 20000+ partitions but I only want to backfill 1000 of them. Is there any way for me to select my preferred partitions using something like regex? I am not using datetime partitions, and so in this case dagster does not provide a slider for me to select a subset of my partitions. Or what would be the best way to go about backfilling a subset of this particular pipeline? Appreciate any thoughts on this matter! Thank you!
I have a similar question regarding filling in partitions for e.g. the first day of every year. It would be nice to be able to specify
or something similar, but I don't think anything exists right now.
I see, what is your workaround towards that issue now?
I generate the string in a script and copy paste :D
I see, you use the cli then?
No, just via the ui
I'm sure it would work via the cli; I have just yet to explore that
i see! didnt know i can input a string of partitions into the filter box. It didnt work when I tried it! Hmm