Hey Team, I am running a local instance of dagit ...
# ask-community
Hey Team, I am running a local instance of dagit in a dev container and for some reason my back-fills only run 1 at a time even with the executor settings set to allow concurrency as per:
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  max_concurrent_runs: 6
    - key: "dagster/backfill"
      limit: 4
I'm wondering if Docker might be constraining what resources are available to dagit maybe? Anyone seen anything like this before?
Here is a back-fill run with only a single job executing at a time and my deployment Daemons
Oh and version of dagster:
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name         : dagster                                                 
 version      : 1.3.14                                                  
 description  : The data orchestration platform built for productivity.
Ok so I removed the
key from my
config and it seems to have worked now
Hi Martin. Yep, so that
tag is applied to each run that is created via a backfill. So setting a limit of
there would enforce that a maximum of 4 runs triggered via a backfill can be in progress at any given time.
Cheers @claire - I was only getting 1 run at a time (I could have made that clearer 😀 ) with that set though.
Hi @claire, Can we restrict some backfill to run with a lower limit? It seems that the dagster/backfill tag overwrites all other tags. In my dagster.yaml file I set:
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    max_concurrent_runs: 3
      - key: "dagster/backfill"
        limit: 3
      - key: "dbt"
        value: "incremental"
        limit: 1
While defining the asset job I write the tag:
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tags = {"dbt": "incremental"}
But still, backfills run 3 by 3. Any thoughts on this? Thanks